Moore’s Law
Gordon Moore: co-founder of Intel
1965 - observed trends in industry - # of transistors on ICs vs. release dates:
Noticed number of transistors doubling with release of each new IC generation
release dates (separate generations) were all 18-24 months apart
Predicted that the number of transistors per chip would grow exponentially (double every 18 months)
Exponential improvement in technology is a natural trend:
e.g. Steam Engines - Dynamo - Automobile
The level of integration of silicon technology as measured in terms of number of devices per IC
This comes about in two ways – size reduction of the individual devices and increase in the chip or dice size
As an indication of size reduction, it is interesting to note that feature size was measured in mils (1/1000 inch, 1 mil = 25 mm) up to early 1970’s, whereas now all features are measured in mm’s (1 mm = 10-6 m or 10-4 cm)
Semiconductor industry has followed this prediction with surprising accuracy
Amazing visionary – million transistor/chip barrier was crossed in the 1980’s.
2300 transistors, 1 MHz clock (Intel 4004) - 1971
42 Million, 2 GHz clock (Intel P4) - 2001
140 Million transistor (HP PA-8500)