Sunday, August 5, 2012

2012, Java IEEE Project Abstracts - Part 1


Cloud computing systems (or hosting datacenters) have attracted a lot of attention in recent years. Utility computing, reliable data storage, and infrastructure-independent computing are example applications of such systems. Electrical energy cost of a cloud computing system is a strong function of the consolidation and migration techniques used to assign incoming clients to existing servers.
Moreover, each client typically has a service level agreement (SLA), which specifies constraints on performance and/or quality of service that it receives from the system. These constraints result in a basic trade-off between the total energy cost and client satisfaction in the system. In this paper, a resource allocation problem is considered that aims to minimize the total energy cost of cloud computing system while meeting the specified client-level SLAs in a probabilistic sense.
The cloud computing system pays penalty for the percentage of a client’s requests that do not meet a specified upper bound on their service time. An efficient heuristic algorithm based on convex optimization and dynamic programming is presented to solve the aforesaid resource allocation problem. Simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm compared to previous work


Cloud data stores provide scalability and high avail-ability properties for Web applications, but do not support complex queries such as joins. Web application developers must therefore design their programs according to the peculiarities of NoSQL data stores rather than established software engineering practice.
This results in complex and error-prone code, especially with respect to subtle issues such as data consistency under concurrent read/write queries. We present join query support in CloudTPS, a middleware layer which stands between a Web application and its data store.
The system enforces strong data consistency and scales linearly under a demanding workload com-posed of join queries and read-write transactions. In large-scale deployments, CloudTPS outperforms replicated PostgreSQL up to three times


Competition on global markets forces enterprises to make  use  of  new  applications,  reduce  process  times and cut the costs of their IT-infrastructure. To achieve this  commercial  users  harness  the  benefits  of  Cloud computing  as  they  can  outsource  data  storage  and computation facilities, while saving on the overall cost of  IT  ownership. 
Cloud services can  be  accessed  on demand at any time in a pay-as-you-go manner. However, it is this flexibility of customers that results in great challenges for Cloud service providers. They need to maximize their revenue in the presence of limited fixed resources  and  uncertainty  regarding upcoming  service  requests  while  contemporaneously considering  their  SLAs. 
To address  this  challenge  we introduce  models  that  can  predict  revenue  and utilization  achieved  with  admission-control  policy based  revenue  management  under  stochastic  demand. This allows providers to significantly increase revenue by choosing the optimum policy.

Development of multimedia from year to year increasing with the growing support of computer networks such as wireless LAN (WLAN) as a media intermediary. The one of method is streaming multimedia delivery over the internet from the server to the client to respond to client requests to a video and audio contained in a computer network. Factors that affect the streaming is bandwidth.
These factors may cause the process stream is often disrupted when there is not enough bandwidth so that resulted in the loss and delay in delivery. To reduce the occurrence of loss and delay, a routing protocol is needed that can support multimedia service quality package that will be passed on wireless LAN networks.
In this paper will be evaluated on the WLAN performance multimedia services with the help of routing protocol Optimized Link State Routing (OLSR). 

Successful development of cloud computing paradigm necessitates accurate performance evaluation of cloud data centers.
As exact modeling of cloud centers is not feasible due to the nature of cloud centers and diversity of user requests, we describe a novel approximate analytical model for performance evaluation of cloud server farms and solve it to obtain accurate estimation of the complete probability distribution of the request response time and other important performance indicators.
The model allows cloud operators to determine the relationship between the number of servers and input buffer size, on one side, and the performance indicators such as mean number of tasks in the system, blocking probability, and probability that a task will obtain immediate service, on the other

Anomaly-based   network   Intrusion   Detection   Systems   (IDS) model patterns of normal activity and detect novel network attacks. However, these systems depend on the availability of the systems normal traffic pattern profile. But the statistical fingerprint of the normal traffic pattern can change and shift over a period of time due to changes in operational or user activity at the networked site or even system updates.
The changes in normal traffic patterns  over  time  lead  to  concept  drift.  Some  changes  can  be  temporal, cyclical and can be short-lived or they can last for longer periods of time. Depending on a number of factors the speed at which the change in traffic patterns occurs can also be variable, ranging from near instantaneous to the change occurring over the span of numerous months.
These changes in traffic patterns are a cause of concern for IDSs as they can lead to a significant increase   in   false   positive   rates,   thereby   reducing   the   overall   system performance . In order to improve the reliability of the IDS, there is a need for an automated mechanism to detect valid traffic changes and avoid inappropriate ad hoc responses.
ROC curves have historically been used to evaluate the accuracy of IDSs. ROC curves generated using fixed, time- invariant classification thresholds do not characterize the best accuracy that an IDS can achieve in presence of concept-drifting network traffic.
In this paper,  we  present  integrated  supervised  machine  learning  and  control theoretic model (especially for clouds) for detecting concept drift in network traffic patterns.
The model comprises of an online support vector machine based classifier (incremental anomaly based detection), a Kullback- Leibler divergence based relative entropy measurement scheme (quantifying concept drift) and feedback control engine (adapting ROC thresholding). In our proposed  system,  any  intrusion  activity  will  cause  significant  variations, thereby  causing  a  large  error,  while  a  minor  aberration  in  the  variations (concept drift) will not be immediately reported as alert

Cloud computing enables IT systems to be scalable and elastic. One significant advantage of it is users no longer need to determine their exact computing resource requirements upfront.  Instead, they request computing resources as required, on-demand.
This paper is written to introduce a framework specific for large public sector entities on how to migrate to cloud computing. This paper can then be also be a reference for the Organizations to overcome its limitations and to convince their stakeholders to further implement various types of Cloud Computing service models.


Energy consumption has become a major concern to the widespread deployment of cloud data centers. The growing importance for parallel applications in the cloud introduces significant challenges in reducing the power consumption drawn by the hosted servers.
In this paper, we propose an enhanced energy-efficient scheduling (EES) algorithm to reduce energy consumption while meeting the performance-based service level agreement (SLA). Since slacking non-critical jobs can achieve significant power saving, we exploit the slack room and allocate them in a global manner in our schedule.
Using random generated and real-life application workflows, our results demonstrate that EES is able to reduce considerable energy consumption while still meeting SLA

Cloud Chamber is a testbed for understanding how web services behave as tenants in a Software as a Service (SaaS) environment.  This work describes the Cloud Chamber testbed to investigate autonomic resource management of web services in a cloud environment. 
Cloud Chamber is a virtualized environment which provides web servers as services, facilities to apply loads to the tenant services, algorithms for autonomic organization and reconfiguration of service assignments as demand changes, and sensors to capture resource consumption and performance metrics.
The testbed inserts sensors into web servers to collect the resource utilization of CPU cycles, memory consumption, and bandwidth consumption of the individual web services, the web server, and the operating system.  This high resolution performance data generates profiles of the resource usage of each web service and the resource availability of each server. 
The testbed, as described in this work, utilizes these profiles to efficiently place services on servers, thus balancing resource consumption, service performance, and service availability.  Once services have been placed, the testbed monitors changes such as traffic levels, server ch urn, and the introduction of new services. 
The information gathered is used to calculate configurations of service placement which better meet the changing requirements of the environment

Cloud computing promises an open environment where customers can deploy IT services in a pay-as-you-go fashion while saving huge capital investment in their own IT infrastructure. Due to the openness, various malicious service providers may exist. Such service providers may record service information in a service process from a customer and then collectively deduce the customer’s private information.
Therefore, from the perspective of cloud computing security, there is a need to take special actions to protect privacy at client sides. Noise obfuscation is an effective approach in this regard by utilising noise data.
For instance, it generates and injects noise service requests into real customer service requests so that service providers would not be able to distinguish which requests are real ones if their occurrence probabilities are about the same. However, existing typical noise generation strategies mainly focus on the entire service usage period to achieve about the same final occurrence probabilities of service requests.
In fact, such probabilities can fluctuate in a time interval such as three months and may significantly differ than other time intervals. In this case, service providers may still be able to deduce the customers’ privacy from a specific time interval although unlikely from the overall period.
That is to say, the existing typical noise generation strategies could fail to protect customers’ privacy for local time intervals. To address this problem, we develop a novel time-series pattern based noise generation strategy.
Firstly, we analyse previous probability fluctuations and propose a group of time-series patterns for predicting future fluctuated probabilities. Then, based on these patterns, we present our strategy by forecasting future occurrence probabilities of real service requests and generating noise requests to reach about the same final probabilities in the next time interval.
The simulation evaluation demonstrates that our strategy can cope with these fluctuations to significantly improve the effectiveness of customers’ privacy protection

When making reservations for Cloud services, con-sumers and providers need to establish service-level agreements through negotiation. Whereas it is essential for both a consumer and a provider to reach an agreement on the price of a service and when to use the service, to date, there is little or no negotiation support for both price and time-slot negotiations (PTNs) for Cloud service reservations.
This paper presents a multi-issue negotiation mechanism to facilitate the following: 1)PTNs between Cloud agents and 2) tradeoff between price and time-slot utilities. Unlike many existing negotiation mechanisms in which a negotiation agent can only make one proposal at a time, agents in this work are designed to concurrently make multiple proposals in a negotiation round that generate the same aggregated utility, differing only in terms of individual price and time-slot utilities.
Another novelty of this work is formulating a novel time-slot utility function that characterizes preferences for different time slots. These ideas are implemented in an agent-based Cloud testbed.
Using the test-bed, experiments were carried out to compare this work with related approaches. Empirical results show that PTN agents reach faster agreements and achieve higher utilities than other related approaches. A case study was carried out to demonstrate the application of the PTN mechanism for pricing Cloud resources


Massive Parallel Sequencing is a term used to describe several revolutionary approaches to DNA sequencing, the so-called Next Generation Sequencing technologies.
These technologies generate millions of short sequence fragments in a single run and can be used to measure levels of gene expression and to identify novel splice variants of genes allowing more accurate analysis. The proposed solution provides novelty on two fields, firstly an optimization of the read mapping
algorithm has been designed, in order to parallelize processes, secondly an implementation of an architecture that consists of a Grid platform, composed of physical nodes, a Virtual platform, composed of virtual nodes set up on demand, and a scheduler that allows to integrate the two platforms

Purpose-built clusters permeate many of today’s or-ganizations, providing both large-scale data storage and comput-ing. Within local clusters, competition for resources complicates applications with deadlines. However, given the emergence of the cloud’s pay-as-you-go model, users are increasingly storing portions of their data remotely and allocating compute nodes on-demand to meet deadlines.
This scenario gives rise to a hybrid cloud, where data stored across local and cloud resources may be processed over both environments. While a hybrid execution environment may be used to meet time constraints, users must now attend to the costs associated with data storage, data transfer, and node allocation time on the cloud.
In this paper, we describe a modeling-driven resource allocation framework to support both time and cost sensitive execution for data-intensive applications executed in a hybrid cloud setting. We evaluate our framework using two data-intensive applications and a number of time and cost constraints.
Our experimental results show that our system is capable of meeting execution deadlines within a 3.6% margin of error. Similarly, cost constraints are met within a 1.2% margin of error, while minimizing the application’s execution time

As increasing amounts of sensitive personal information is aggregated into data repositories, it has become important to develop mechanisms for processing the data without revealing information about individual data instances.
The differential privacy model provides a framework for the development and theoretical analysis of such mechanisms. In this paper, we propose an algorithm for learning a discriminatively trained multiclass Gaussian mixture model-based classifier that preserves differential privacy using a large margin loss function with a perturbed regularization term.
We present a theoretical upper bound on the excess risk of the classifier introduced by the perturbation

In this paper, we introduce the first application of the belief propagation algorithm in the design and evaluation of trust and reputation management systems. We approach the reputation management problem as an inference problem and describe it as computing marginal likelihood distributions from complicated global functions of many variables.
However, we observe that computing the marginal probability functions is computationally prohibitive for large-scale reputation systems. Therefore, we propose to utilize the belief propagation algorithm to efficiently (in linear complexity) compute these marginal probability distributions; resulting a fully iterative probabilistic and belief propagation-based approach (referred to as BP-ITRM). BP-ITRM models the reputation system on a factor graph. By using a factor graph, we obtain a qualitative representation of how the consumers (buyers) and service providers (sellers) are related on a graphical structure.
Further, by using such a factor graph, the global functions factor into products of simpler local functions, each of which depends on a subset of the variables. Then, we compute the marginal probability distribution functions of the variables representing the reputation values (of the service providers) by message passing between nodes in the graph. We show that BP-ITRM is reliable in filtering out malicious/unreliable reports.
We provide a detailed evaluation of BP-ITRM via analysis and computer simulations. We prove that BP-ITRM iteratively reduces the error in the reputation values of service providers due to the malicious raters with a high probability. Further, we observe that this probability drops suddenly if a particular fraction of malicious raters is exceeded, which introduces a threshold property to the scheme.
Furthermore, comparison of BP-ITRM with some well-known and commonly used reputation management techniques (e.g., Averaging Scheme, Bayesian Approach, and Cluster Filtering) indicates the superiority of the proposed scheme in terms of robustness against attacks (e.g., ballot stuffing, bad mouthing). Finally, BP-ITRM introduces a linear complexity in the number of service providers and consumers, far exceeding the efficiency of other schemes

In this paper, we propose game-theoretic mechanisms to encourage truthful data sharing for distributed data mining. One proposed mechanism uses the classic Vickrey-Clarke-Groves (VCG) mechanism, and the other relies on the Shapley value.
Neither relies on the ability to verify the data of the parties participating in the distributed data mining protocol. Instead, we incentivize truth telling based solely on the data mining result. This is especially useful for situations where privacy concerns prevent verification of the data.
Under reasonable assumptions, we prove that these mechanisms are incentive compatible for distributed data mining. In addition, through extensive experimentation, we show that they are applicable in practice

Cloud computing enables highly scalable services to be easily consumed over the Internet on an as-needed basis. A major feature of the cloud services is that users’ data are usually processed remotely in unknown machines that users do not own or operate.
While enjoying the convenience brought by this new emerging technology, users’ fears of losing control of their own data (particularly, financial and health data) can become a significant barrier to the wide adoption of cloud services.
To address this problem, in this paper, we propose a novel highly decentralized information accountability framework to keep track of the actual usage of the users’ data in the cloud. In particular, we propose an object-centered approach that enables enclosing our logging mechanism together with users’ data and policies.
We leverage the JAR programmable capabilities to both create a dynamic and traveling object, and to ensure that any access to users’ data will trigger authentication and automated logging local to the JARs. To strengthen user’s control, we also provide distributed auditing mechanisms. We provide extensive experimental studies that demonstrate the efficiency and effectiveness of the proposed approaches.

Direct Anonymous Attestation (DAA) is a scheme that enables the remote authentication of a Trusted Platform Module (TPM) while preserving the user’s privacy. A TPM can prove to a remote party that it is a valid TPM without revealing its identity and without linkability.
In the DAA scheme, a TPM can be revoked only if the DAA private key in the hardware has been extracted and published widely so that verifiers obtain the corrupted private key. If the unlinkability requirement is relaxed, a TPM suspected of being compromised can be revoked even if the private key is not known.
However, with the full unlinkability requirement intact, if a TPM has been compromised but its private key has not been distributed to verifiers, the TPM cannot be revoked. Furthermore, a TPM cannot be revoked from the issuer, if the TPM is found to be compromised after the DAA issuing has occurred. In this paper, we present a new DAA scheme called Enhanced Privacy ID (EPID) scheme that addresses the above limitations.
While still providing unlinkability, our scheme provides a method to revoke a TPM even if the TPM private key is unknown. This expanded revocation property makes the scheme useful for other applications such as for driver’s license. Our EPID scheme is efficient and provably secure in the same security model as DAA, i.e., in the random oracle model under the strong RSA assumption and the decisional Diffie-Hellman assumption


Enforcing a practical Mandatory Access Control (MAC) in a commercial operating system to tackle malware problem is a grand challenge but also a promising approach. The firmest barriers to apply MAC to defeat malware programs are the incompatible and unusable problems in existing MAC systems.
To address these issues, we manually analyze 2,600 malware samples one by one and two types of MAC enforced operating systems, and then design a novel MAC enforcement approach, named Tracer, which incorporates intrusion detection and tracing in a commercial operating system. The approach conceptually consists of three actions: detecting, tracing, and restricting suspected intruders.
One novelty is that it leverages light-weight intrusion detection and tracing techniques to automate security label configuration that is widely acknowledged as a tough issue when applying a MAC system in practice. The other is that, rather than restricting information flow as a traditional MAC does, it traces intruders and restricts only their critical malware behaviors, where intruders represent processes and executables that are potential agents of a remote attacker.
Our prototyping and experiments on Windows show that Tracer can effectively defeat all malware samples tested via blocking malware behaviors while not causing a significant compatibility problem


Internet services and applications have become an inextricable part of daily life, enabling communication and the management of personal information from anywhere. To accommodate this increase in application and data complexity, web services have moved to a multitiered design wherein the webserver runs the application front-end logic and data are outsourced to a database or file server.
In this paper, we present DoubleGuard, an IDS system that models the network behavior of user sessions across both the front-end webserver and the back-end database. By monitoring both web and subsequent database requests, we are able to ferret out attacks that an independent IDS would not be able to identify.
Furthermore, we quantify the limitations of any multitier IDS in terms of training sessions and functionality coverage. We implemented DoubleGuard using an Apache webserver with MySQL and lightweight virtualization. We then collected and processed real-world traffic over a 15-day period of system deployment in both dynamic and static web applications.
Finally, using DoubleGuard, we were able to expose a wide range of attacks with 100 percent accuracy while maintaining 0 percent false positives for static web services and 0.6 percent false positives for dynamic web services


Collaborative information systems (CISs) are deployed within a diverse array of environments that manage sensitive information. Current security mechanisms detect insider threats, but they are ill-suited to monitor systems in which users function in dynamic teams.
In this paper, we introduce the community anomaly detection system (CADS), an unsupervised learning framework to detect insider threats based on the access logs of collaborative environments.
The framework is based on the observation that typical CIS users tend to form community structures based on the subjects accessed (e.g., patients’ records viewed by healthcare providers). CADS consists of two components: 1) relational pattern extraction, which derives community structures and 2) anomaly prediction, which leverages a statistical model to determine when users have sufficiently deviated from communities.
We further extend CADS into MetaCADS to account for the semantics of subjects (e.g., patients’ diagnoses). To empirically evaluate the framework, we perform an assessment with three months of access logs from a real electronic health record (EHR) system in a large medical center.
The results illustrate our models exhibit significant performance gains over state-of-the-art competitors. When the number of illicit users is low, MetaCADS is the best model, but as the number grows, commonly accessed semantics lead to hiding in a crowd, such that CADS is more prudent


Security attacks typically result from unintended behaviors or invalid inputs. Security testing is labor intensive because a real-world program usually has too many invalid inputs. It is highly desirable to automate or partially automate security-testing process.
This paper presents an approach to automated generation of security tests by using formal threat models represented as Predicate/ Transition nets. It generates all attack paths, i.e., security tests, from a threat model and converts them into executable test code according to the given Model-Implementation Mapping (MIM) specification.
We have applied this approach to two real-world systems, Magento (a web-based shopping system being used by many online stores) and FileZilla Server (a popular FTP server implementation in C++). Threat models are built systematically by examining all potential STRIDE (spoofing identity, tampering with data, repudiation, information disclosure, denial of service, and elevation of privilege) threats to system functions. The security tests generated from these models have found multiple security risks in each system.
The test code for most of the security tests can be generated and executed automatically. To further evaluate the vulnerability detection capability of the testing approach, the security tests have been applied to a number of security mutants where vulnerabilities are injected deliberately.
The mutants are created according to the common vulnerabilities in C++ and web applications. Our experiments show that the security tests have killed the majority of the mutants


Despite the conventional wisdom that proactive security is superior to reactive security, we show that reactive security can be competitive with proactive security as long as the reactive defender learns from past attacks instead of myopically overreacting to the last attack.
Our game-theoretic model follows common practice in the security literature by making worst case assumptions about the attacker: we grant the attacker complete knowledge of the defender’s strategy and do not require the attacker to act rationally.
In this model, we bound the competitive ratio between a reactive defense algorithm (which is inspired by online learning theory) and the best fixed proactive defense. Additionally, we show that, unlike proactive defenses, this reactive strategy is robust to a lack of information about the attacker’s incentives and knowledge


We present a modular redesign ofTrustedPals, a smart card-based security framework for solving Secure Multiparty Computation (SMC). Originally, TrustedPals assumed a synchronous network setting and allowed to reduce SMC to the problem of fault-tolerant consensus among smart cards.
We explore how to make TrustedPals applicable in environments with less synchrony and show how it can be used to solve asynchronousSMC. Within the redesign we investigate the problem of solving consensus in a general omission failure model augmented with failure detectors.
To this end, we give novel definitions of both consensus and the class  Pof failure detectors in the omission model, which we call  Pð omÞ, and show how to implement  Pð omÞ and have consensus in such a system with very weak synchrony assumptions.
The integration of failure detection and consensus into the TrustedPals framework uses tools from privacy enhancing techniques such as message padding and dummy traffic

Modern computer systems are built on a foundation of software components from a variety of vendors. While critical applications may undergo extensive testing and evaluation procedures, the heterogeneity of software sources threatens the integrity of the execution environment for these trusted programs.
For instance, if an attacker can combine an application exploit with a privilege escalation vulnerability, the operating system (OS) can become corrupted. Alternatively, a malicious or faulty device driver running with kernel privileges could threaten the application. While the importance of ensuring application integrity has been studied in prior work, proposed solutions immediately terminate the application once corruption is detected.
Although, this approach is sufficient for some cases, it is undesirable for many critical applications. In order to overcome this shortcoming, we have explored techniques for leveraging a trusted virtual machine monitor (VMM) to observe the application and potentially repair damage that occurs.
In this paper, we describe our system design, which leverages efficient coding and authentication schemes, and we present the details of our prototype implementation to quantify the overhead of our approach. Our work shows that it is feasible to build a resilient execution environment, even in the presence of a corrupted OS kernel, with a reasonable amount of storage and performance overhead.


Silence suppression, an essential feature of speech communications over the Internet, saves bandwidth by disabling voice packet transmissions when silence is detected. However, silence suppression enables an adversary to recover talk patterns from packet timing.
In this paper, we investigate privacy leakage through the silence suppression feature. More specifically, we propose a new class of traffic analysis attacks to encrypted speech communications with the goal of detecting speakers of encrypted speech communications. These attacks are based on packet timing information only and the attacks can detect speakers of speech communications made with different codecs.
We evaluate the proposed attacks with extensive experiments over different type of networks including commercial anonymity networks and campus networks. The experiments show that the proposed traffic analysis attacks can detect speakers of encrypted speech communications with high accuracy based on traces of 15 minutes long on average

Network-based applications commonly open some known communication port(s), making themselves easy targets for (distributed) Denial of Service (DoS) attacks. Earlier solutions for this problem are based on port-hopping between pairs of processes which are synchronous or exchange acknowledgments.
However, acknowledgments, if lost, can cause a port to be open for longer time and thus be vulnerable, while time servers can become targets to DoS attack themselves. Here, we extend port-hopping to support multiparty applications, by proposing the BIGWHEEL algorithm, for each application server to communicate with multiple clients in a port-hopping manner without the need for group synchronization.
Furthermore, we present an adaptive algorithm, HOPERAA, for enabling hopping in the presence of bounded asynchrony, namely, when the communicating parties have clocks with clock drifts. The solutions are simple, based on each client interacting with the server independently of the other clients, without the need of acknowledgments or time server(s).
Further, they do not rely on the application having a fixed port open in the beginning, neither do they require the clients to get a “first-contact” port from a third party. We show analytically the properties of the algorithms and also study experimentally their success rates, confirm the relation with the analytical bounds.


Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Embedded Systems Project Titles (IEEE 2012)

· Automatic Control of Irrigation Systems Aiming at High Energy Efficiency in Rice Crops
· A Reliable Transmission Protocol for ZigBee-Based Wireless Patient Monitoring
· A Zigbee-Based Wearable Physiological Parameters Monitoring System
· Dew-Based Wireless Mini Module for Respiratory Rate Monitoring
· Wireless Sensor Networks in Biomedical Body Area Networks
· Electronic Voting Machine - A Review
· A Method of Remote Control for Home Appliance Using Free Hand Gesture
· Hand gesture based remote control for home appliances   Handmote
· Wheelchair Motion Control Guide Using Eye Gaze and Blinks Based on Point Bug Algorithm
· Automatic Ambulance Rescue System
· GSM based Power Meter Reading and Control System
· Mobility Tracking using GPS, WiFi and Cell ID
· Design and Implementation of Industrial Network Monitoring Protocol for Networked Industrial Sensors
· Ethernet Enabled Digital 10 Control in Embedded Systems
· Microcontroller-Based High-Power-Factor Electronic Ballast to Supply Metal Halide Lamps
· Microcontroller-Based Peak Current Mode Control Using Digital Slope Compensation
· A New AMR Approach for Energy Saving in Smart Grids Using Smart Meter and Partial Power Line Communication
· Design of an Intelligent White-OLED Lighting System using Power Line Communication
· A Monoball Robot Based on LEGO Mindstorms
· A Vision-Based Tracking System for a Street-Crossing Robot
· An Active Uprighting Mechanism for Flying Robots
· Design and Implementation of a ZigBee-Based Wireless Automatic Meter Reading System
· Design and Motion Planning of a Two-Module Collaborative Indoor Pipeline Inspection Robot
· Inertial Sensor based Wireless Control of a Robotic Arm
· Modeling and Control of a Snake-Like Robot Using the Screw-Drive Mechanism
· Real-Time Detection and Tracking of Traffic Sign in Video Sequences for Autonomous Mobile Robot
· Simultaneous Localization of Multiple Unknown and Transient Radio Sources Using a Mobile Robot
· Smart Host Microcontroller for Optimal Battery Charging in a Solar-Powered Robotic Vehicle
· A Low Power Wireless Sensor Network for Gully Pot Monitoring in Urban Catchments
· A Path-Connected-Cluster Wireless Sensor Network and its Formation, Addressing, and Routing Protocols
· An Analytical Energy Consumption Model for Packet Transfer over Wireless Links
· An Enhanced ZigBee Indoor Positioning System with an Ensemble Approach
· Building Lighting Automation through the Integration of DALI with Wireless Sensor Networks
· Design of remote automatic meter reading system based on ZigBee and GPRS
· Design of Remote Intelligent Home System Based on ZigBee and GPRS technology
· Designing of an Automated Power Meter Reading with Zigbee Communication
· ZigBee MAC Wireless Network Implementation  Using a Remote Virtual Interface
· A Low-Cost Stand-Alone Multichannel Data Acquisition, Monitoring, and Archival System With On-Chip Signal Preprocessing
· A Microcontroller-Based Power Management System for Standalone Microgrids With Hybrid Power Supply
· A Parallel Simulation Technique for Multicore Embedded Systems and Its Performance Analysis
· An Ill-Structured PBL-Based Microprocessor Course Without Formal Laboratory
· An Open Traffic Light Control Model for Reducing Vehicles' CO2 Emissions Based on ETC Vehicles
· Automatic Calibration of a Motion Capture System based on Inertial Sensors for Tele-Manipulation
· Block-Based Major Color Method for Foreground Object Detection on Embedded SoC Platforms
· Bus-Stop Control Strategies Based on Fuzzy Rules for the Operation of a Public Transport System
· Capacitive Pressure Sensing Based Key in PCB Technology for Industrial Applications
· Design and Implementation of Multiple Maximum Power Point Trackers for Multi-String PV Panels in DC Distribution Systems
· Design and Realization of Remote-control Terminal Based on GPRS
· Design and Simulation of a Wireless DAQ-IC for Foot Plantar Pressure
· Designing an Adaptive Acoustic Modem for Underwater Sensor Networks
· Detection System Design of Traffic Flow Color Video Based on ARM9
· Differential Amplifier With Current-Mirror Load In fluence of Current Gain, Early Voltage, and Supply Voltage on the DC Output Voltage
· Distributed Compressive Sampling for Lifetime Optimization in Dense Wireless Sensor Networks
· Enhancing Mine Safety with Wireless Sensor Networks using Zigbee Technology
· ETC Assisted Traffic Light Control Scheme for Reducing Vehicles' CO2 Emissions
· Floating Car Data Augmentation Based on Infrastructure Sensors and Neural Networks
· Intelligent Selection of Calibration Points Using a Modified Progressive Polynomial Method
· IPT Charged Wireless Sensor Module for River Sedimentation Detection
· Leakage Fault Diagnosis for an Internet-Based Three-Tank System An Experimental Study
· Low-Cost Capacitive Humidity Sensor for Application Within Flexible RFID Labels Based on Microcontroller Systems
· Low-Cost Undergraduate Control Systems Experiments Using Microcontroller-Based Control of a DC Motor
· Magic Mirror Table for Social-Emotion Alleviation in the Smart Home
· Monitoring Roll Chock Temperature
· Multi-parameter Monitoring System for Coal Mine based on Wireless Sensor Network Technology
· Multichannel Superframe Scheduling for IEEE 802.15.4 Industrial Wireless Sensor Networks
· On Design and Implementation of Neural-Machine Interface for Artificial Legs
· Optimal Power Management of Residential Customers in the Smart Grid
· Polynomial Control Method of DC DC Converters for DC-Bus Voltage and Currents Management-Battery and Supercapacitors
· Real Time Smart Car Lock Security System  Using Face Detection and Recognition
· Robust Railway Crack Detection Scheme (RRCDS) Using LED-LDR Assembly
· Safety Benefits of Forward Collision Warning, Brake Assist, and Autonomous Braking Systems in Rear-End Collisions
· Sensor Network Based Oilwell Health Monitoring and Intelligent Control
· Simple Vehicle Powertrain Model for Modeling Intelligent Vehicle Applications
· Smart "Stick-on" Sensors for the Smart Grid
· Speech Codecs for High-Quality Voice over ZigBee Applications Evaluation and Implementation Challenges
· System Identification and Energy-aware Processor Utilization Control
· The Recognition and Tracking of Traffic Lights Based on Color Segmentation
· Wireless Sensor Network Based Home Monitoring System for Wellness Determination of Elderly
· Multiple Working Mode Control of Door-Opening With a Mobile Modular and Reconfigurable Robot
· Design of A Hexapod Robot
· Wireless Underwater Mobile Robot System Based on Zigbee
· Self-recognition of Vehicle Position Using UHF Passive RFID Tags
· An Autonomous Robot Based on a Wheelchair
· Autonomous Navigation Robot For Landmine Detection Applications
· Wireless Vision-Based Stabilization of Indoor Micro-helicopter
· Robot Navigation System with RFID and Sensors
· Multisensor Fusion and Integration: A Review on Approaches and Its Applications in Mechatronics
· An Online Stair-Climbing Control Method for a Transformable Tracked Robot
· Providing Accident Detection in Vehicular Networks Through OBD-II Devices and Android-based Smart-phones
· Remotely Controlled Communication and Control System for Limited Mobility Individuals
· A Smartphone-in-the-Loop Active State-of-Charge Manager for Electric Vehicles
· A Wireless Sensory Feedback Device for Real-Time Gait Feedback and Training
· Evaluation of a Smartphone Platform as a Wireless Interface Between Tongue Drive System and Electric-Powered Wheelchairs
· A Multiple Inductive Loop Vehicle Detection System for Heterogeneous and Lane-Less Traffic
· Water-Cluster-Detecting Breath Sensor and Applications in Cars for Detecting Drunk or Drowsy Driving
· Real-Time Combinatorial Optimization for Elevator Group Dispatching
· The House Intelligent Switch Control Network Based on CAN Bus
· An Effective Pedestrian Detection Method For Driver Assistance System
· A Reconfigurable Snake Robot Based on CAN-Bus
· The Design of the Steering Wheel with Anti-fatigue Driving for Vehicles Based on Pattern Recognition
· Design of Distributed Greenhouse Big Awning Monitoring System Based on Field-bus
· Hand-Motion Crane Control Using Radio-Frequency Real-Time Location Systems
· A New Method for Detecting Leaks in Underground Water Pipelines
· Multiple-Target Tracking for Intelligent Headlights Control
· Study on the Embedded CAN Bus Control System in the Vehicle
· On the Impact of Virtual Traffic Lights on Carbon Emissions Mitigation
· Ship Detection with Wireless Sensor Networks
· A Wireless Surveillance and Safety System for Mine Workers based on Zigbee
· Design a wireless capacitive sensor detection system with power line communication for liquid volume of intravenous drip measurement
· Low Cost Weather Station with Remote Control
· Cloud Controlled Intrusion Detection and Burglary Prevention Stratagems in Home Automation Systems
· Energy-Aware Pipeline Monitoring System Using Piezoelectric Sensor
· Identification of Missing Objects with Group Coding of RF tags
· In-Building Lighting Management System with Wireless Communications
· Intelligent wireless street lighting system
· Zigbee Based Energy Efficient Outdoor Lighting Control System
· Multi sensor Railway Track Geometry Surveying System
· Bus Monitoring System Based On Zigbee And GPRS
· A Real-Time Conductor Sag Measurement System Using a Differential GPS
· Wireless Black Box Using MEMS Accelerometer and GPS Tracking for Accidental Monitoring of Vehicles
· Automatic Measurement and Reporting System of Water Quality Based on GSM
· Aided Navigation Techniques for Indoor and Outdoor Unmanned Vehicles
· Design of Concealed Alarm System Based on GSM
· Positioning and Tracing System Study Of All Terrain Forest Fire Patrolling and Fighting Vehicle
· Remote Energy Monitoring, Profiling and Control Through GSM Network
· Realization of Intelligence Monitoring System Based on Remote Sensor Technology
· The Design and Implementation of Remote Real Time Monitor System for Embedded Devices Based on GPRS
· Design of Intelligent Home Appliance Control System Based on ARM and Zigbee
· MEMS Accelerometer Based Nonspecific-User Hand Gesture Recognition
· Optical Device Indicating a Safe Free Path to Blind People
· Target Detection and Classification Using Seismic and PIR Sensors
· Automatic Detection and Recognition of Road Sign forDriver Assistance System
· Design of User Specific Intelligent Cell Phone Jammer
· Embedded System Integrated Into a Wireless Sensor Network for Online Dynamic Torque and Efficiency  Monitoring in Induction Motors
· Battery Energy Storage for Enabling Integration of Distributed Solar Power Generation
· Smart Solar Home System with Safety Device Low Voltage Alert
· Compact Emergency Lamp Using Power LEDs
· Hybrid Optoelectronic Sensor for Current and Temperature Monitoring in Overhead Transmission Lines
· Low Cost Solar ECG with Bluetooth transmitter
· Design and Performance Analysis of Water Pumping Using Solar PV
· Energy Monitoring System using Sensor Networks in Residential Houses
· Smart Charge: Cutting the Electricity Bill in Smart Homes with Energy Storage
· Design Optimization of TRIAC-Dimmable AC-DC Converter in LED Lighting
· Research on an Improved PWM Control Mode of DC Motor
· Design for Middle-Way of Intelligent Energy-Saving System with Embedded System
· A Fast and Easy-to-Use ECG Acquisition and Heart Rate Monitoring System Using a Wireless Steering Wheel.
· A Passive Radio-Frequency pH-Sensing Tag for Wireless Food-Quality Monitoring
· A Wearable Inertial Sensor Node for Body Motion Analysis
· Sensors-Based Wearable Systems for Monitoring of Human Movement and Falls
· A Single Supply Standard 8051 Microcontroller based Medical K-grade Isolation ECG Module with Graphics LCD

Dot Net Project Titles (IEEE 2012, 2011 Dot Net IEEE Project List)

* Cloud Chamber A Self-Organizing Facility to Create, Exercise, and Examine Software as a Service Tenants
* Cluster as a Service for self-deployable cloud applications
* A Cloud Infrastructure for Optimization of a Massive Parallel Sequencing Workflow
* A Multi-Objective Approach for Workflow Scheduling in Heterogeneous Environments
* Design and Implementation of a Secure Healthcare Social Cloud System
* Enhanced Energy-efficient Scheduling for Parallel Applications in Cloud
* A Price- and-Time-Slot-Negotiation Mechanism for Cloud Service Reservations
* A Seeded Cloud Approach to Health Cyberinfrastructure Preliminary Architecture Design and Case Applications
* A Time-series Pattern based Noise Generation Strategy for Privacy Protection in Cloud Computing
* An Autonomous Reliability Aware Negotiation Strategy for Cloud Computing Environments
* Mining Concept drifting Network traffic in cloud computing environments
* On Handling Large-Scale Polynomial Multiplications in Compute Cloud Environments using Divisible Load Paradigm
* Optical Networks for Grid and Cloud Computing Applications
* Automated Tagging for the Retrieval of Software Resources in Grid and Cloud Infrastructures
* Environmental and Disaster Sensing Using Cloud Computing Infrastructure
* Global Futures a Multithreaded Execution Model for Global Arrays-based Applications
* Optimal Reconfiguration of the Cloud Network for Maximum Energy Savings
* Performance Analysis of Cloud Computing Centers Using M =G=m=m_ r Queuing Systems
* Performance analysis of content-based mobile application on Content Delivery Networks
* Performance evaluation of multimedia services over wireless LAN using routing protocol Optimized Link State Routing (OLSR)
* Perspectives of UnaCloud An Opportunistic Cloud Computing Solution For Facilitating Research
* Pseudo Random Number Generation for Parallelized Jobs on Clusters
* Revenue Management for Cloud Providers - A Policy-based Approach under Stochastic Demand
* Scalable Join Queries in Cloud Data Stores
* SLA-based Optimization of Power and Migration Cost in Cloud Computing
* Time and Cost Sensitive Data-Intensive Computing on Hybrid Clouds
* Visualizing Nonmanifold and Singular Implicit Surfaces with Point Clouds

* CLOUDTPS: Scalable Transactions for Web Applications in the Cloud, IEEE 2011
* Enabling Public Auditability and Data Dynamics for Storage Security in Cloud Computing, IEEE 2011
* Heuristics Based Query Processing for Large RDF Graphs using Cloud Computing, IEEE 2011
* Improving Utilization of Infrastructure Clouds, IEEE 2011
* Multilevel intrusion detection system and log management in cloud computing, IEEE 2011
* Secure and Practical Outsourcing of Linear Programming in Cloud Computing, IEEE 2011
* Towards Secure and Dependable Storage Services in Cloud Computing, IEEE 2011
* Checkpoint-based Fault-tolerant Infrastructure for Virtualized Service Providers, IEEE 2010
* Dynamic Auction Mechanism for Cloud Resource Allocation, IEEE 2010
* Elastic Site - Using Clouds to Elastically Extend Site Resources, IEEE 2010
* Fuzzy Keyword Search over Encrypted Data in Cloud Computing, IEEE 2010
* Privacy-Preserving Public Auditing for Data Storage Security in Cloud Computing, IEEE 2010

* A Fade-Level Skew-Laplace Signal Strength Model for Device-Free Localization with Wireless Networks
* A Novel MAC Scheme for Multichannel Cognitive Radio Ad Hoc Networks
* An MIMO Configuration Mode and MCS Level Selection Scheme by Fuzzy Q-Learning for HSPA Systems
* Channel Estimation for Opportunistic Spectrum Access Uniform and Random Sensing
* Characterizing the Security Implications of Third-Party Emergency Alert Systems over Cellular Text Messaging Services
* Delay Optimal Scheduling for Cognitive Radios with Cooperative Beamforming A Structured Matrix-Geometric Method
* Efficient Virtual Backbone Construction with Routing Cost Constraint in Wireless Networks Using Directional Antennas
* Energy-Efficient Cooperative Video Distribution with Statistical QoS Provisions over Wireless Networks
* Modeling and Performance Analysis for Duty-Cycled MAC Protocols with Applications to S-MAC and X-MAC
* Modeling and Performance Evaluation of Backoff Misbehaving Nodes in CSMACA Networks
* ProSpect A Proactive Spectrum Handoff Framework for Cognitive Radio Ad Hoc Networks without Common Control Channel
* STORM A Framework for Integrated Routing, Scheduling and Traffic Management in Ad Hoc Networks
* The Boomerang Protocol Tying Data to Geographic Locations in Mobile Disconnected Networks
* Two-Tiered Constrained Relay Node Placement in Wireless Sensor Networks Computational Complexity and Efficient Approximations

* A Distributed and Scalable Time Slot Allocation Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks, IEEE 2011
* Autonomous Deployment of Heterogeneous Mobile Sensors, IEEE 2011
* Effective Scheduling in Infrastructure Based Cognitive Radio Networks, IEEE 2011
* Fast Detection of Mobile Replica node attacks in wireless sensor networks, IEEE 2011
* Minimum Bandwidth Reservations for Periodic Streams in Wireless Real-Time Systems, IEEE 2011
* Mobile Sampling of Sensor Field Data Using Controlled Broadcast, IEEE 2011
* Model and Protocol for Energy-Efficient Routing over Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, IEEE 2011
* Throughput Optimization in Mobile Backbone Networks, IEEE 2011
* A Scalable and Energy-Efficient Context Monitoring Framework for Mobile Personal Sensor Networks, IEEE 2010
* Combined Authentication-Based Multilevel Access Control in Mobile Application for DailyLifeService, IEEE 2010
* Energy-Optimal Scheduling with Dynamic Channel Acquisition in Wireless Downlinks, IEEE 2010
* On Multihop Distances in Wireless Sensor Networks with Random Node Locations, IEEE 2010
* Optimal Accounting Policies for AAA Systems in Mobile Telecommunications Networks, IEEE 2010
* VEBEK: Virtual Energy-Based Encryption and Keying for Wireless Sensor Networks, IEEE 2010
* A Flexible Privacy-Enhanced Location-Based Services System Framework and Practice, IEEE 2009
* A Tabu Searching Algorithm For Cluster Building in Wireless Sensor Networks, IEEE 2009
* Biased Random Walks in Uniform Wireless Networks, IEEE 2009
* Cell Breathing Techniques for Load Balancing in Wireless LANs, IEEE 2009
* An Gen3 based Authentication Protocol, IEEE 2009
* Contention-Aware Performance Analysis of Mobility-Assisted Routing, IEEE 2009
* Energy Maps For Mobile Wireless Networks, IEEE 2009
* Greedy Routing with Anti-Void Traversal for Wireless Sensor Networks, IEEE 2009
* Information Content-Based Sensor Selection and Transmission Power Adjustment for Collaborative Target Tracking, IEEE 2009
* Minimizing Recovery State in Geographic Ad Hoc Routing, IEEE 2009
* On the Planning of Wireless Sensor Networks Energy-Efficient Clustering under the Joint Route, IEEE 2009
* Opportunistic Scheduling with Reliability Guarantees in Cognitive Radio Networks, IEEE 2009
* Random Cast An Energy Efficient Communication Scheme for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, IEEE 2009
* Route Stability in MANETs under the Random Direction Mobility Model, IEEE 2009

* A Decision-Theoretic Framework for Numerical Attribute Value Reconciliation
* Discriminative Feature Selection by Nonparametric Bayes Error Minimization
* EDISC A Class-Tailored Discretization Technique for Rule-Based Classification
* Effective and Efficient Shape-Based Pattern Detection over Streaming Time Series
* A Knowledge-Driven Approach to Activity Recognition in Smart Homes
* A Look-Ahead Approach to Secure Multiparty Protocols
* Adding Temporal Constraints to XML Schema
* Improving Aggregate Recommendation Diversity Using Ranking-Based Techniques
* Segmentation and Sampling of Moving Object Trajectories Based on Representativeness
* Using Rule Ontology in Repeated Rule Acquisition from Similar Web Sites
* Maximum Ambiguity-Based Sample Selection in Fuzzy Decision Tree Induction
* Protecting Location Privacy against Location-Dependent Attacks in Mobile Services
* Saturn Range Queries, Load Balancing and Fault Tolerance in DHT Data Systems
* Combining Tag and Value Similarity for Data Extraction and Alignment
* Data Mining for XML Query-Answering Support
* Dense Subgraph Extraction with Application to Community Detection
* Efficient and Progressive Algorithms for Distributed Skyline Queries over Uncertain Data
* Efficient Computation of Range Aggregates against Uncertain Location-Based Queries
* Energy Efficient Schemes for Accuracy-Guaranteed Sensor Data Aggregation Using Scalable Counting
* Energy-Efficient Reverse Skyline Query Processing over Wireless Sensor Networks
* A Performance Anomaly Detection and Analysis Framework for DBMS Development
* A Unified Probabilistic Framework for Name Disambiguation in Digital Library
* Evaluating Path Queries over Frequently Updated Route Collections
* Extending Recommender Systems for Disjoint UserItem Sets The Conference Recommendation Problem
* Fuzzy Orders-of-Magnitude-Based Link Analysis for Qualitative Alias Detection
* Mining Online Reviews for Predicting Sales Performance A Case Study in the Movie Domain
* On the Complexity of View Update Analysis and Its Application to Annotation Propagation
* Weakly Supervised Joint Sentiment-Topic Detection from Text

* A Generic Multilevel Architecture for Time Series Prediction, IEEE 2011
* A Personalized Ontology Model for Web Information Gathering, IEEE 2011
* A Web Search Engine-Based Approach to Measure Semantic Similarity between Words, IEEE 2011
* Energy time series forecasting based on pattern sequence similarity, IEEE 2011
* Optimal Service Pricing for a Cloud Cache, IEEE 2011
* Publishing Search Logs—A Comparative Study of Privacy Guarantees, IEEE 2011
* Data Leakge Detection, IEEE 2011
* Anonymous Query processing in Road Networks, IEEE 2010
* Automated classification of customer e mails via association rule mining, IEEE 2010
* ISO-MAP: Energy-Efficient Contour Mapping in Wireless Sensor Networks, IEEE 2010
* LIGHT: A Query-Efficient Yet Low-Maintenance Indexing Scheme over DHTs, IEEE 2010
* Record Matching over Query Results from Multiple Web Databases, IEEE 2010
* ViDE A Vision Based Approach for Deep Web Data Extraction, IEEE 2010
* Bridging Domains Using World Wide Knowledge for Transfer Learning, IEEE 2010
* A Relation-Based Page Rank Algorithm for Semantic Web Search Engines, IEEE 2009
* Clustering and Sequential Pattern Mining of Online Collaborative Learning Data, IEEE 2009
* Online Scheduling Sequential Objects with Periodicity for dynamic Information Dissemination, IEEE 2009
* Hardware enhanced association rule mining with Hashing and Pipelining, IEEE 2008
* Location-Based Spatial Queries with Data Sharing in Wireless Broadcast Environments, IEEE 2008
* Watermarking Relational Databases Using Optimization Based Techniques, IEEE 2008
* DRYADEPARENT An Efficient and Robust Closed Attribute Tree Mining Algorithm, IEEE 2008

* A Quantization Theoretic Perspective on Simulcast and Layered Multicast Optimization
* Differentiated Quality-of-Recovery in Survivable Optical Mesh Networks Using -Structures
* Distributed Resource Allocation Based on Queue Balancing in Multihop Cognitive Radio Networks
* Adaptive Selective Verification An Efficient Adaptive Countermeasure to Thwart DoS Attacks
* Opportunistic Spectrum Access in Multiple-Primary-User Environments Under the Packet Collision Constraint
* Polynomial-Time Algorithms for Multirate Anypath Routing in Wireless Multihop Networks
* Congestion-Dependent Pricing and Forward Contracts for Complementary Segments of a Communication Network
* Declarative Policy-Based Adaptive Mobile Ad Hoc Networking
* Design of Wireless Sensor Networks for Mobile Target Detection
* Efficient Network Tomography for Internet Topology Discovery
* Efficient Scheduling for Periodic Aggregation Queries in Multihop Sensor Networks
* ESM Efficient and Scalable Data Center Multicast Routing
* On Identifying Additive Link Metrics Using Linearly Independent Cycles and Paths
* Reliable Collective Communications With Weighted SRLGs in Optical Networks

* A Novel Approach for Failure Localization in All-Optical Mesh Networks, IEEE 2011
* Continuous Neighbor Discovery in Asynchronous Sensor Networks, IEEE 2011
* Delay Analysis and Optimality of Scheduling Policies for Multihop Wireless Networks, IEEE 2011
* Fast Simulation of Service Availability in Mesh Networks With Dynamic Path Restoration, IEEE 2011
* Jamming Aware Traffic Allocation for Multiple Path Routing Using Portfolio Selection, IEEE 2011
* Tofu:semi truthful online frequency allocation mechanism for wireless networks, IEEE 2011
* Service Overlay Network Capacity Adaptation for Profit Maximization, IEEE 2010
* Improving TLS Security By Quantum Cryptography, IEEE 2010
* Conditional Shortest Path Routing in Delay Tolerant Networks, IEEE 2010
* Constrained Relay Node Placement in Wireless Sensor Networks Formulation and Approximations, IEEE 2010
* Demand-Aware Content Distribution on the Internet, IEEE 2010
* On Wireless Scheduling Algorithms for Minimizing the Queue-Overflow, IEEE 2010
* Privacy Aware Role Based Access Control, IEEE 2010
* S4: Small State and Small Stretch Routing Protocol for Large Wireless Sensor Networks, IEEE 2010
* PRESTO Feedback-Driven Data Management in Sensor Networks, IEEE 2009
* Analysis of Shortest Path Routing for Large Multi-Hop Wireless Networks, IEEE 2009
* Explicit Load Balancing Technique for NGEO Satellite Ip Networks With On-Board Processing Capabilities, IEEE 2009
* Resequencing Analysis of Stop-and-Wait ARQ for Parallel Multichannel Communications, IEEE 2009
* Virus Spread in Networks, IEEE 2009
* Delay Analysis for Maximal Scheduling With Flow Control in Wireless Networks With Bursty Traffic, IEEE 2009
* Resource Allocation in OFDMA Wireless Communications Systems Supporting Multimedia Services, IEEE 2009
* Secure and Policy-Complaint Source Routing, IEEE 2009
* Single-Link Failure Detection in All-Optical Networks, IEEE 2009
* Two Blocking Algorithm on Adaptive Binary Splitting Single and Pair Resolutions for RFID Tag Identification, IEEE 2009
* Rate Allocation & Network Lifetime Problem for Wireless Sensor Networks, IEEE 2008
* Probabilistic Packet Marking For Large Scale IP Trace Back, IEEE 2008
* Statistical Techniques for Detecting Traffic Anomalies through Packet Header Data, IEEE 2008
* A Distributed And Scalable Routing Table Manager For The Next Generation Of IP Routers, IEEE 2008
* Efficient Routing In Intermittently Connected Mobile Networks The Multiple Copy Case, IEEE 2008
* Efficient Broadcasting Using Network Coding, IEEE 2008

* Automated Security Test Generation with Formal Threat Models
* Detecting and Resolving Firewall Policy Anomalies
* Detecting Anomalous Insiders in Collaborative Information Systems
* DoubleGuard Detecting Intrusions in Multitier Web Applications
* Enforcing Mandatory Access Control in Commodity OS to Disable Malware
* Enhanced Privacy ID A Direct Anonymous Attestation Scheme with Enhanced Revocation Capabilities
* Ensuring Distributed Accountability for Data Sharing in the Cloud
* Give2Get Forwarding in Social Mobile Wireless Networks of Selfish Individuals
* Incentive Compatible Privacy-Preserving Distributed Classification
* Iterative Trust and Reputation Management Using Belief Propagation
* JS-Reduce Defending Your Data from Sequential Background Knowledge Attacks
* Mitigating Distributed Denial of Service Attacks in Multiparty Applications in the Presence of Clock Drifts
* On the Security of a Ticket-Based Anonymity System with Traceability Property in Wireless Mesh Networks
* Remote Attestation with Domain-Based Integrity Model and Policy Analysis
* Resilient Authenticated Execution of Critical Applications in Untrusted Environments
* Secure Failure Detection and Consensus in TrustedPals

* A Distributed Algorithm for Finding All Best Swap Edges of a Minimum Diameter Spanning Tree, IEEE 2011
* Dynamics of Malware Spread in Decentralized Peer-to-Peer Networks, IEEE 2011
* ELMO:Energy aware local monitoring in sensor networks, IEEE 2011
* Layered Approach Using Conditional Random Fields for Intrusion Detection, IEEE 2010
* Performance of Orthogonal Fingerprinting Codes under Worst-Case Noise, IEEE 2009
* The Effectiveness of Checksums for Embedded Control Networks, IEEE 2009
* Credit Card Fraud Detection Using Hidden Markov Models, IEEE 2008
* Temporal Portioning of Communication Resources in an Integrated Architecture, IEEE 2008
* Trustworthy Computing Under Resource Constraints With The Down Policy, IEEE 2008

* Reliable and Energy-Efficient Multipath Communications in Underwater Sensor Networks
* Topology Enhancements in Wireless Multihop Networks A Top-Down Approach
* A Network Coding Equivalent Content Distribution Scheme for Efficient Peer-to-Peer Interactive VoD Streaming
* DRAGON Detection and Tracking of Dynamic Amorphous Events in Wireless Sensor Networks
* Embedded Transitive Closure Network for Runtime Deadlock Detection in Networks-on-Chip
* A Secure Erasure Code-Based Cloud Storage System with Secure Data Forwarding
* A Survey of Parallel Programming Models and Tools in the Multi and Many-Core Era
* An Online Data Access Prediction and Optimization Approach for Distributed Systems
* Enabling Secure and Efficient Ranked Keyword Search over Outsourced Cloud Data
* Cost-Driven Scheduling of Grid Workflows Using Partial Critical Paths
* Discriminating DDoS Attacks from Flash Crowds Using Flow Correlation Coefficient
* Distributed Diagnosis of Dynamic Events in Partitionable Arbitrary Topology Networks
* Distributed Privacy-Preserving Access Control in Sensor Networks
* Energy-Efficient Capture of Stochastic Events under Periodic Network Coverage and Coordinated Sleep
* Large-Scale Transient Stability Simulation of Electrical Power Systems on Parallel GPUs
* On Maximizing the Lifetime of Wireless Sensor Networks Using Virtual Backbone Scheduling
* Quantitative Measurement and Design of Source-Location Privacy Schemes for Wireless Sensor Networks
* Trustworthy Coordination of Web Services Atomic Transactions

* A Data Throughput prediction & optimized server for widely distributed many task computing, IEEE 2011
* Exploiting Dynamic Resource Allocation for Efficient Parallel Data Processing in the Cloud, IEEE 2011
* Network Immunization with Distributed Autonomy Oriented Entities, IEEE 2011
* Timing based scheme for rogue ap detection, IEEE 2011
* A Distributed Protocol to Serve Dynamic Groups for Peer-to-Peer Streaming, IEEE 2010
* Resource Bundles Using Aggregation for Statistical Large-Scale Resource Discovery and Management, IEEE 2010
* Compaction of Schedules and a Two-Stage Approach for Duplication-Based DAG Scheduling, IEEE 2009
* Enforcing Minimum-Cost Multicast Routing against Shellfish Information Flows, IEEE 2009
* Movement-Assisted Connectivity Restoration in Wireless Sensor, 2009
* SORD A Fault-Resilient Service Overlay for Media Port Resource Discovery, IEEE 2009
* HBA Distributed Metadata Management for Large Cluster-Based Storage Systems, IEEE 2008
* Quiver On the Edge Consistent Scalable Edge Services, IEEE 2008
* An SSL Back-End Forwarding Scheme in Cluster-based Web Servers, IEEE 2007
* pFusion: A P2P Architecture for  Internet-Scale Content-Based Search and Retrieval, IEEE 2007

* Clustering and Cluster-Based Routing Protocol for Delay-Tolerant Mobile Networks, IEEE 2010
* Fast Algorithms for Joint Power Control and Scheduling in Wireless Networks, IEEE 2010
* Enhancing Cell-Edge Performance A Downlink Dynamic Interference Avoidance Scheme with Inter-Cell Coordination, IEEE 2010
* Fairness-Aware Radio Resource Management in Downlink OFDMA Cellular Relay Networks, IEEE 2010
* Fault-Tolerant Relay Node Placement in Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks, IEEE 2010


* A Fourier Based Method for Approximating the Joint Detection Probability in MIMO Communications
* Achieving Joint Diversity in Decode-and-Forward MIMO Relay Networks with Zero-Forcing Equalizers
* Characterization of OFDM Radio Link Under PLL-Based Oscillator Phase Noise and Multipath Fading Channel
* Performance Modeling and Analysis of Cognitive Mesh Networks

* A Kalman-Filtering Approach to High Dynamic Range Imaging for Measurement Applications
* A Multiplicative Iterative Algorithm for Box-Constrained Penalized Likelihood Image Restoration
* Cognition and Removal of Impulse Noise With Uncertainty
* Combining Head Pose and Eye Location Information for Gaze Estimation
* Higher Degree Total Variation (HDTV) Regularization for Image Recovery
* Image Super-Resolution With Sparse Neighbor Embedding
* Improving Various Reversible Data Hiding Schemes Via Optimal Codes for Binary Covers
* Object Segmentation of Database Images by Dual Multiscale Morphological Reconstructions and Retrieval Applications
* Posterior-Mean Super-Resolution With a Causal Gaussian Markov Random Field Prior
* Wavelet-Based Compressed Sensing Using a Gaussian Scale Mixture Model
* Blind Separation of Image Sources via Adaptive Dictionary Learning
* ViBe: A Universal Background Subtraction Algorithm for Video Sequences, IEEE 2011
* Efficient 2-D Grayscale Morphological Transformations With Arbitrary Flat Structuring Elements, IEEE 2008
* Vision Based Processing For Real-Time 3-D Data Acquisition Based On Coded Structured Light, IEEE 2008
* Active Learning Methods for Interactive Image Retrieval, IEEE 2008
* A Novel Framework for Semantic Annotation and Personalized Retrieval of Sports Video, IEEE 2008
* Orthogonal Data Embedding for Binary Images in Morphological Transform Domain-A High-Capacity Approach, IEEE 2008
* Image Processing Techniques for the Detection and Removal of Cracks in Digitized Paintings, IEEE 2008
* Neural Networks for Unicode Optical Character Recognition, IEEE 2008

* A Framework for Automated Exploit Prevention from Known Vulnerabilities in Voice over IP Services
* A Gossip Protocol for Dynamic Resource Management in Large Cloud Environments
* A Security Management Architecture for Supporting Routing Services on WANETs
* Hierarchical Trust Management for Wireless Sensor Networks and its Applications to Trust-Based Routing and Intrusion Detection

* A Dataflow-Based Scientific Workflow Composition Framework
* Dynamic Authentication for Cross-Realm SOA-Based Business Processes
* Expert Discovery and Interactions in Mixed Service-Oriented Systems
* Runtime Enforcement of Web Service Message Contracts with Data

* An Autonomous Engine for Services Configuration and Deployment
* Comparing Semi-Automated Clustering Methods for Persona Development
* Comparing the Defect Reduction Benefits of Code Inspection and Test-Driven Development
* Exploiting Dynamic Information in IDEs Improves Speed and Correctness of Software Maintenance Tasks
* QoS Assurance for Dynamic Reconfiguration of Component-Based Software Systems
* StakeRare Using Social Networks and Collaborative Filtering for Large-Scale Requirements Elicitation

* A Generalization of Distance Functions for Fuzzy c -Means Clustering With Centroids of Arithmetic Means
* Adaptive Control Schemes for Discrete-Time T-S Fuzzy Systems With Unknown Parameters and Actuator Failures
* Grouping, Overlap, and Generalized Bientropic Functions for Fuzzy Modeling of Pairwise Comparisons

* Case-Based Learning, Pedagogical Innovation, and Semantic Web Technologies
* Facilitating Trust in Privacy-Preserving E-Learning Environments
* Spatial Learning Using Locomotion Interface to Virtual Environment
* Using Linked Data to Annotate and Search Educational Video Resources for Supporting Distance Learning

* A Closed-Form Solution to Tensor Voting Theory and Applications
* Bilinear Modeling via Augmented Lagrange Multipliers (BALM)
* Difference-Based Image Noise Modeling Using Skellam Distribution
* Discriminative Latent Models for Recognizing Contextual Group Activities
* Edge Structure Preserving 3D Image Denoising by Local Surface Approximation
* Fast Rotation Invariant 3D Feature Computation Utilizing Efficient Local Neighborhood Operators
* IntentSearch Capturing User Intention for One-Click Internet Image Search
* Trainable Convolution Filters and Their Application to Face Recognition

* One Size Does Not Fit All: A Group-Based Service Selection for Web-Based Business Processes - Adv Information Networking, IEEE 2011
* Adaptive provisioning of human expertise in service-oriented systems - Applied Computing, IEEE 2011
* Bridging Socially-Enhanced Virtual Communities - Applied Computing, IEEE 2011
* Data integrity proofs in cloud storage - Communication Systems and Networks, IEEE 2011
* Secure Neighbor Discovery in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks - Mobile adhoc networks, IEEE 2011
* Monitoring Service Systems from a Language-Action Perspective - Services Computing, IEEE 2011
* The Awareness Network, To Whom Should I Display My Actions? And, Whose Actions Should I Monitor? - Software Engineering, IEEE 2011
* An Intrusion Detection model fuzzy class assocation rule mining using genetic network programming - Systems and cybernetics, IEEE 2011
* A bounded and adaptive memory based approach to mine frequent patterns from very large database - Systems, man, and cybernetics, IEEE 2011
* Improving the perfotmance of wireless adhoc network by using MAC Layer Design - Wireless communication, IEEE 2011
* Multicast Multipath Power Efficient Routingin Mobile Adhoc - Computer Science And Network Security, IEEE 2010
* Edge Adaptive Image Steganography Based on LSB Matching Revisited - Information Forensics And Security, IEEE 2010
* Data Mining for Risk Management in Hospital Information Systems - Medical Engineering, IEEE 2010
* Slow Adaptive OFDMA Systems Through Chance Constrained Programming - Signal Processing, IEEE 2010
* Dynamics of Multiple-Seller and Multiple-Buyer Spectrum Trading in Cognitive Radio Networks A Game-Theoretic Modeling Approach – Computer Theory And Engineering, IEEE 2009
* A New Model For Dissemination Of XML Content – Systems, Man, And Cybernetics, IEEE 2008
* Fuzzy Control Model Optimization for Behavior-Constent Traffic Routing Under Information Provision - Transportation System, IEEE 2008
* Schema Conversion from Relation to XML with Semantic Constraints – Fuzzy Systems And Knowledge Discovery, IEEE 2007
* E-Secure Transactions - Secure Electronic Data Interchange over Internet – Internet Computing, IEEE 2005
* Estimation of Defects Based On Defect Decay Model ED3M - Software Engineering, IEEE 2008
* Effective Software Merging in the Presence of Object-Oriented Refactorings - Software Engineering, IEEE 2008
* Provable Protection Against Web Application Vulnerabilities Related to Session Data Dependencies - Software Engineering, IEEE 2008