Monday, September 5, 2011

IEEE Java Project Titles in ADHOC Networking

IEEE Java Project Titles in ADHOC Networking 

  • A Cellular Automata based Network Security Model
  • A Cluster-Based Key Management Scheme for MANET
  • A Clustering Algorithm Based on Subjective Trust in MANET
  • A Distributed Intrusion Detection System Against Flooding Denial of Services Attacks
  • A Distributed Key Management Framework with Cooperative Message Authentication in VANETs
  • A Dynamic Context-Aware Access Network Selection for Handover in Heterogeneous Network Environments
  • A Virtual Topology for Routing in Adhoc Networks
  • AMLeT Adaptive Multi Level Trust framework for MANETs
  • Cross-Layer Jamming Detection and Mitigation in Wireless Broadcast Networks
  • Detecting Forged Acknowledgements in MANETs
  • Distributed Combined Authentication and Intrusion Detection With Data Fusion in High-Security Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
  • Forming Vehicular Web of Trust in VANET
  • Lightweight Privacy-Preserving Routing and Incentive Protocol for Hybrid Ad Hoc Wireless Network
  • Long-term Reputation System for Vehicular Networking based on Vehicle's Daily Commute Routine
  • Mitigating Routing Misbehavior in Dynamic Source Routing Protocl Using Trust-Based Reputation Mechanism for Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks
  • Mobility Assisted Routing in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
  • Multi-path Encrypted Data Security Architecture for Mobile Ad hoc Networks
  • Reliability Estimate of Mobile Agent System for QoS MANET Applications
  • Secure Routing Protocol for Mobile Wireless Sensor Network
  • SMSS Symmetric-Masquerade Security Scheme for vanets
  • Symmetric Key Approaches to Securing BGP-A Little Bit Trust Is Enough
  • TEAM Trust-Extended Authentication Mechanism for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks
  • The Effect of Direct Interactions on Reputation Based Schemes in Mobile Ad hoc Networks
  • TraceGray An Application-layer Scheme for Intrusion Detection in MANET using Mobile Agents
  • TrustGuard A Flow-level Reputation-based DDoS Defense System,

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