Monday, September 5, 2011

IEEE Java Project Titles in Networking


  • Component-Based Localization in Sparse Wireless Networks
  • Optimal Anycast Technique for Delay-Sensitive Energy-Constrained Asynchronous Sensor Networks
  • Model-Based Identification of Dominant Congested Links
  • Cross-Layer Jamming Detection and Mitigation in Wireless Broadcast Networks
  • TOFU: Semi-Truthful Online Frequency Allocation Mechanism for Wireless Networks
  • On the Complexity of the Regenerator Placement Problem in Optical Networks
  • Jamming Aware traffic allocation for multipath routing using Routing using portfolio Selection
  • A Novel Approach for Failure Localization in All-Optical Mesh Networks
  • Energy Efficient Protocol for Cooperative Networks
  • Licklider Transmission Protocol (LTP) Based DTN for Cislunar Communications
  • Scheduling Algorithms for Multicarrier Wireless Data Systems
  • Selfish Overlay Network Creation and Maintenance
  • Star Block Design in Two-Level Survivable Optical Networks
  • Stochastic Model and Connectivity Dynamics for VANETs in Signalized Road Systems
  • A Simple Model for Chunk-Scheduling Strategies in P2P Streaming
  • A Unified Approach to Optimizing Performance in Networks Serving Heterogeneous Flows
  • Buffer Sizing for 802.11 Based Networks
  • Coloring Spatial Point Processes With Applications to Peer Discovery in Large Wireless Networks
  • Continuous Neighbor Discovery in Asynchronous Sensor Networks
  • Crosstalk Preventing Scheduling in Single and Two Stage AWG Based Cell Switches
  • Delay Analysis and Optimality of Scheduling Policies for Multihop Wireless Networks
  • Efficient Multipath Communication for Time Critical Applications in Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks
  • Fast Simulation of Service Availability in Mesh Networks With Dynamic Path Restoration
  • Forward Correction and Fountain Codes in Delay-Tolerant Networks
  • Live Streaming With Receiver Based Peer-Division Multiplexing
  • Mobile Sampling of Sensor Field Data Using Controlled Broadcast
  • Network Coding Multicast Networks With QoS Guarantees
  • On the Price of Security in Large-Scale Wireless Ad Hoc Networks
  • Parametric Methods for Anomaly Detection in Aggregate Traffic
  • Practical Computation of Optimal Schedules in Multihop Wireless Networks
  • Primary User Activity Modeling Using First-Difference Filter Clustering and Correlation in Cognitive Radio Networks
  • ProgME - Towards Programmable Network MEasurement
  • ROC Resilient Online Coverage for Surveillance Applications
  • Scalable and Cost-Effective Interconnection of Data-Center Servers Using Dual Server Ports
  • Self Reconfigurable Wireless Mesh Networks
  • SPAF - Stateless FSA-Based Packet Filters
  • Topological Transformation Approaches to TCAM-Based Packet Classification
  • Low-Overhead End-to-End Performance Measurement for Next Generation Networks
  • On the Impact of Security Protocols on the Performance of SNMP
  • Locating Equivalent Servants over P2P Networks
  • Achieving Bounded Matching Delay and Maximized Throughput in Information Dissemination Management 

  • Agent Based Efficient Anomaly Intrusion Detection System in Adhoc networks
  • Conditional Shortest Path Routing in Delay Tolerant Networks
  • Constrained Relay node placement in Wireless Sensor Network
  • Demand-Aware Content Distribution on the Internet
  • Energy-Efficient Protocol for Deterministic and Probabilistic Coverage in Sensor Networks
  • Host-to-Host Congestion Control for TCP
  • Label-Based DV-Hop Localization Against Wormhole Attacks in Wireless Sensor Networks
  • Minimizing Delay and Maximizing Lifetime for Wireless Sensor Networks With Anycast
  • On Multihop Distances in Wireless Sensor Networks with Random Node Locations
  • POPI: A User-Level Tool for Inferring Router Packet Forwarding Priority
  • Rendered Path Range-Free Localization in Anisotropic Sensor Networks With Holes
  • TCAM Razor A Systematic Approach Towards Minimizing Packet Classifiers in TCAMS
  • The Optimality of Two PricesMaximizing Revenue in a stochastic Communication System
  • Virtual Database Technology for Distributed Database
  • Residual-Based Estimation of Peer and Link Lifetimes in P2P Networks
  • A New Reliable Broadcasting in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks 
  • A Novel Approach for Computation-Efficient Rekeying for Multicast Key Distribution  
  • Anonymity in Wireless Broadcast Networks 
  • Capturing Router Congestion and Delay 
  • Channel Access Protocols for Multihop Opportunistic Networks, Challenges and Recent Developments
  • Entropy Based Adaptive Flow Aggregation 
  • Measuring Capacity Bandwidth of Targeted Path Segments 
  • Monitoring the Application-Layer DDoS Attacks for Popular Websites
  • Multiple Routing Configurations for Fast IP Network Recovery 
  • Node Isolation model and age-based neighbor selection in unstructured P2P networks 
  • SIMPS Using Sociology for Personal Mobility 
  • Spatio-Temporal Network Anomaly Detection by Assessing Deviations of Empirical Measures 
  • Optimal Bandwidth Assignment for Multiple Descriptions Coding in Media Streaming
  • BRA A Bidirectional Routing Abstraction for Asymmetric Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
  • Rate & Delay Guarantees Provided By Close Packet Switches with Load Balancing
  • Securing User-Controlled Routing Infrastructures
  • Two Techniques for Fast Computation of Constrained Shortest Paths
  • Scalable and Efficient End-To-End Network Topology Inference
  • Enhanced Communal Global, Local Memory Management for Effective Performance of Cluster Computing 
  • A Geometric Approach to Improving Active Packet Loss Measurement 
  • Dual-Link Failure Resiliency Through Backup Link Mutual Exclusion 
  • Minimizing File Download Time in Stochastic Peer-to-Peer Networks 
  • Packet caches on Routers the Implications of Universal Redundant Traffic Elimination 
  • Performance of a Speculative Transmission Scheme for Scheduling-Latency Reduction 
  • Cryptographic versus Trust based Method for Manet Routing Security
  • Authenticating Network Attached Storage 
  • A near-optimal multicast scheme for mobile ad hoc networks using a hybrid genetic algorithm 
  • Online Detection and Prevention of Phishing Attacks
  • A Distributed Database Architecture for Global Roaming in Next-Generation Mobile Networks 
  • Incremental deployment service of Hop by hop multicast routing protocol 
  • Network Border Patrol For Congestion Collapse Preventing 
  • TCP-LP Low-Priority Service via End-Point Congestion Control 
  • AI NET - A network that integrates ATM and IP 
  • Distributed Collaborative Key Agreement Protocols for Dynamic Peer Groups 
  • Dynamic Parallel Access to Replicated Content in the Internet 
  • ITP: An Image Transport Protocol for the Internet,, 044-28235816, 98411 93224, 93801 02891

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