Monday, September 5, 2011

IEEE Java Project Titles in Knowledge and Data Engineering

  • Mining Cluster-Based Temporal Mobile Sequential Patterns in Location-Based Service Environments
  • A Link Analysis Extension of Correspondence Analysis for Mining Relational Databases
  • A Personalized Ontology Model for Web Information Gathering
  • A Machine Learning Approach for Identifying Disease-Treatment Relations in Short Texts
  • Design and Implementation of an Intrusion Response System for Relational Databases
  • Adaptive Cluster Distance Bounding for High Dimensional Indexing 
  • Classification and Novel Class Detection in Concept-Drifting Data Streams under Time Constraints
  • Cosdes: A Collaborative Spam Detection System with a Novel E-Mail Abstraction Scheme
  • Discovering Conditional Functional Dependencies
  • Clustering with Multi-Viewpoint based Similarity Measure KD
  • A Dual Framework and Algorithms for Targeted Online Data Delivery
  • A Fast Multiple Longest Common Subsequence (MLCS) Algorithm
  • A Fuzzy Self-Constructing Feature Clustering Algorithm for Text Classification
  • A Generic Multilevel Architecture for Time Series Prediction
  • Data Leakage Detection
  • Decision Trees for Uncertain Data
  • Effective Navigation of Query Results Based on Concept Hierarchies
  • Efficient Computation of Range Aggregates against Uncertain Location Based Queries
  • Exploring Application-Level Semantics for Data Compression
  • Extended XML Tree Pattern Matching Theories and Algorithms
  • Improving Aggregate Recommendation Diversity Using Ranking-Based Techniques
  • Learning Semi-Riemannian Metrics for Semisupervised Feature Extraction
  • Load Shedding in Mobile Systems with MobiQual
  • One Size Does Not Fit All Towards User and Query Dependent Ranking For Web Databases
  • Publishing Search Logs - A Comparative Study of Privacy Guarantees
  • Ranking Spatial Data by Quality Preferences
  • Scalable Learning of Collective Behavior
  • The CoQUOS Approach to Continuous Queries in Unstructured Overlays
  • The World in a Nutshell - Concise Range Queries
  • Continuous Monitoring of Distance Based Range Queries
  • Efficient and Accurate Discovery of Patterns in Sequence Datasets
  • Efficient Top-k Approximate Subtree Matching in Small Memory
  • Energy Time Series Forecasting Based on Pattern Sequence Similarity

  • Adaptive Join Operators for Result Rate optimization, 2010
  • False Negative Problem of Counting Bloom Filter, 2010
  • FiVaTech Page-Level Web Data Extraction from Template Pages, 2010
  • k-Anonymity in the Presence of External Databases, 2010
  • LIGHT A Query-Efficient Yet Low-Maintenance --DHT, 2010
  • PAM An Efficient and Privacy-Aware Monitoring Framework for Continuously Moving Objects, 2010
  • Prospective Infectious Disease Outbreak detection using Markov switching model, 2010
  • Queries Optimization in SQL using Linear Recursion, 2010
  • Approximate Distributed K-Means Clustering over a Peer-to-Peer Network, 2009
  • OLEX : effective Rule Learning for Text Categorization, 2009
  • ANGEL - Enhancing the Utility of Generalization for Privacy Preserving Publication, 2009
  • Efficient Range Query Processing in Peer-to-Peer Systems, 2009
  • A Signature-Based Indexing Method for Efficient Content-Based Retrieval of Relative Temporal Pattern, 2008
  • Distributed Suffix Tree Overlay for Peer-to-Peer Search, 2008
  • Probabilistic Group Nearest Neighbor Queries in Uncertain Databases, 2008
  • Truth Discovery with multiple Conflicting Information Providers on web, 2008
  • C-TREND Temporal Cluster Graphs for Identifying and Visualizing Trends in Multi attribute Transactional Data, 2008
  • An Efficient Association Rule Mining Algorithm In Distributed Databases, 2008
  • An Efficient Clustering Scheme to Exploit Hierarchical Data in Network Traffic Analysis, 2008,

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